
This modules provides interpolator objects to find interpolated values in lists. - x generally describes the index value lists - y descreibes the corresponding values

Example usage
 # import this module
 import as vip

 # create value lists
timestamps = [100, 150, 300, 400, 950, 1000]
values     = [10, 50, 30, 500, -30,-20]

# create interpolator object (here a linear interpolator)
linear = vip.LinearInterpolator(X=timestamps, Y=values)

# find interpolated y value for a given x value (e.g. a random timestamp)
y_value = lip(target_x=125)
print(y_value) #<< 30.0

# find extrapolated y value for value outside timestamps boundary
y_value = linear(target_x=50)
print(y_value) #<< -30.0


class t_extr_mode

extrapolation mode type.





property name
str(self: t_extr_mode) str

Class: AkimaInterpolator

class AkimaInterpolator

Interpolator class to perform a (modified) akima interpolation. Uses boost makima interpolator. Note: this interpolator acts as linear interpolator if less than 4 values are stored.

__init__(self:, X: List[float] = [], Y: List[float] = [], extrapolation_mode: = <t_extr_mode.extrapolate: 0>) None

Construct a new Interpolator object from a vector of pairs usage: interpolated_y_value = interpolator.interpolate(x_value)

Parameter X:

X vector; must be unique and sorted in ascending order. same size as Y!

Parameter Y:

Y vector; must be unique and sorted in ascending order. same size as X!

Parameter extrapolation_mode:

t_extr_mode object that describes the extrapolation mode

__call__(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. __call__(self:, target_x: float) -> float

get the interpolated y value for given x target

Parameter target_x:

find the corresponding y value for this x value


corresponding y value

  1. __call__(self:, targets_x: List[float]) -> List[float]

get nearest y values for given x targets (vectorized call)

Parameter targets_x:

vector of x values. For each of these values find the corrsponding y value


corresponding y value

set_data_XY(self: AkimaInterpolator, X: List[float], Y: List[float]) None

change the input data to these X and Y vectors

Parameter X::

x vector (must be same size, must be sorted in ascending order)

Parameter Y::

y vector (must be same size)

append(self: AkimaInterpolator, x: float, y: float) None

append an x- and the corresponding y value to the interpolator data. Exception: raises domain error, strong exception guarantee

Parameter x:

value, must be > than all existing x values

Parameter y:

corresponding y value

extend(self: AkimaInterpolator, X: List[float], Y: List[float]) None

append x and y value lists to the interpolator data (vectorized call) Exception: raises domain error, strong exception guarantee

Parameter X:

list of x values. Must be sorted in ascending order. All x values must be larger than the largest x value in the interpolator data.

Parameter Y:

list of corresponding Y values. Must be same size as X

set_extrapolation_mode(self: AkimaInterpolator, extrapolation_mode: t_extr_mode) None

Set the extrapolation mode

Parameter extrapolation_mode:

t_extr_mode object (enumerator) that describes the extrapolation mode

get_extrapolation_mode(self: AkimaInterpolator) t_extr_mode

Get the currently set extrapolation mode


py:class:t_extr_mode <> object (enumerator) that describes the extrapolation mode

get_data_X(self: AkimaInterpolator) List[float]

return the x component of the internal data vector



get_data_Y(self: AkimaInterpolator) List[float]

return the y component of the internal data vector



copy(self: AkimaInterpolator) AkimaInterpolator

return a copy using the c++ default copy constructor

to_binary(self: AkimaInterpolator, resize_buffer: bool = True) bytes

convert object to bytearray

static from_binary(buffer: bytes, check_buffer_is_read_completely: bool = True) AkimaInterpolator

create T_CLASS object from bytearray

info_string(self: AkimaInterpolator, float_precision: int = 2) str

Return object information as string

print(self: AkimaInterpolator, float_precision: int = 2) None

Print object information

Class: LinearInterpolator

class LinearInterpolator

Find linear interpolated values within vector data

__init__(self:, X: List[float] = [], Y: List[float] = [], extrapolation_mode: = <t_extr_mode.extrapolate: 0>) None

Construct a new Interpolator object from a vector of pairs usage: interpolated_y_value = interpolator.interpolate(x_value)

Parameter X:

X vector; must be unique and sorted in ascending order. same size as Y!

Parameter Y:

Y vector; must be unique and sorted in ascending order. same size as X!

Parameter extrapolation_mode:

t_extr_mode object that describes the extrapolation mode

__call__(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. __call__(self:, target_x: float) -> float

get the interpolated y value for given x target

Parameter target_x:

find the corresponding y value for this x value


corresponding y value

  1. __call__(self:, targets_x: List[float]) -> List[float]

get nearest y values for given x targets (vectorized call)

Parameter targets_x:

vector of x values. For each of these values find the corrsponding y value


corresponding y value

set_data_XY(self: LinearInterpolator, X: List[float], Y: List[float]) None

change the input data to these X and Y vectors

Parameter X::

x vector (must be same size, must be sorted in ascending order)

Parameter Y::

y vector (must be same size)

append(self: LinearInterpolator, x: float, y: float) None

append an x- and the corresponding y value to the interpolator data. Exception: raises domain error, strong exception guarantee

Parameter x:

value, must be > than all existing x values

Parameter y:

corresponding y value

extend(self: LinearInterpolator, X: List[float], Y: List[float]) None

append x and y value lists to the interpolator data (vectorized call) Exception: raises domain error, strong exception guarantee

Parameter X:

list of x values. Must be sorted in ascending order. All x values must be larger than the largest x value in the interpolator data.

Parameter Y:

list of corresponding Y values. Must be same size as X

set_extrapolation_mode(self: LinearInterpolator, extrapolation_mode: t_extr_mode) None

Set the extrapolation mode

Parameter extrapolation_mode:

t_extr_mode object (enumerator) that describes the extrapolation mode

get_extrapolation_mode(self: LinearInterpolator) t_extr_mode

Get the currently set extrapolation mode


py:class:t_extr_mode <> object (enumerator) that describes the extrapolation mode

get_data_X(self: LinearInterpolator) List[float]

return the x component of the internal data vector



get_data_Y(self: LinearInterpolator) List[float]

return the y component of the internal data vector



copy(self: LinearInterpolator) LinearInterpolator

return a copy using the c++ default copy constructor

to_binary(self: LinearInterpolator, resize_buffer: bool = True) bytes

convert object to bytearray

static from_binary(buffer: bytes, check_buffer_is_read_completely: bool = True) LinearInterpolator

create T_CLASS object from bytearray

info_string(self: LinearInterpolator, float_precision: int = 2) str

Return object information as string

print(self: LinearInterpolator, float_precision: int = 2) None

Print object information

Class: NearestInterpolator

class NearestInterpolator

Interpolator class to find nearest neighbors within vector data

__init__(self:, X: List[float] = [], Y: List[float] = [], extrapolation_mode: = <t_extr_mode.extrapolate: 0>) None

Construct a new Interpolator object from a vector of pairs usage: interpolated_y_value = interpolator.interpolate(x_value)

Parameter X:

X vector; must be unique and sorted in ascending order. same size as Y!

Parameter Y:

Y vector; must be unique and sorted in ascending order. same size as X!

Parameter extrapolation_mode:

t_extr_mode object that describes the extrapolation mode

__call__(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. __call__(self:, target_x: float) -> float

get the interpolated y value for given x target

Parameter target_x:

find the corresponding y value for this x value


corresponding y value

  1. __call__(self:, targets_x: List[float]) -> List[float]

get nearest y values for given x targets (vectorized call)

Parameter targets_x:

vector of x values. For each of these values find the corrsponding y value


corresponding y value

set_data_XY(self: NearestInterpolator, X: List[float], Y: List[float]) None

change the input data to these X and Y vectors

Parameter X::

x vector (must be same size, must be sorted in ascending order)

Parameter Y::

y vector (must be same size)

append(self: NearestInterpolator, x: float, y: float) None

append an x- and the corresponding y value to the interpolator data. Exception: raises domain error, strong exception guarantee

Parameter x:

value, must be > than all existing x values

Parameter y:

corresponding y value

extend(self: NearestInterpolator, X: List[float], Y: List[float]) None

append x and y value lists to the interpolator data (vectorized call) Exception: raises domain error, strong exception guarantee

Parameter X:

list of x values. Must be sorted in ascending order. All x values must be larger than the largest x value in the interpolator data.

Parameter Y:

list of corresponding Y values. Must be same size as X

set_extrapolation_mode(self: NearestInterpolator, extrapolation_mode: t_extr_mode) None

Set the extrapolation mode

Parameter extrapolation_mode:

t_extr_mode object (enumerator) that describes the extrapolation mode

get_extrapolation_mode(self: NearestInterpolator) t_extr_mode

Get the currently set extrapolation mode


py:class:t_extr_mode <> object (enumerator) that describes the extrapolation mode

get_data_X(self: NearestInterpolator) List[float]

return the x component of the internal data vector



get_data_Y(self: NearestInterpolator) List[float]

return the y component of the internal data vector



copy(self: NearestInterpolator) NearestInterpolator

return a copy using the c++ default copy constructor

to_binary(self: NearestInterpolator, resize_buffer: bool = True) bytes

convert object to bytearray

static from_binary(buffer: bytes, check_buffer_is_read_completely: bool = True) NearestInterpolator

create T_CLASS object from bytearray

info_string(self: NearestInterpolator, float_precision: int = 2) str

Return object information as string

print(self: NearestInterpolator, float_precision: int = 2) None

Print object information

Class: SlerpInterpolator

Example usage

# import this module
import as vip

# create value lists
timestamps = [100, 150, 1000] #x list, must be sorted, no duplicates
yaw       = [10, 50, -20]    #yaw values (degrees)
pitch     = [10, 50, -20]    #yaw values (degrees)
roll      = [10, 50, -20]    #yaw values (degrees)

# create interpolator object (here a linear interpolator)
slerp = vip.SlerpInterpolator(X=timestamps, Yaw=yaw, Pitch = pitch, Roll = roll)

# find interpolated y value for a given x value (e.g. a random timestamp)
ypr_value = slerp(target_x=125)
print(ypr_value) #<< [23.65708869335217, 32.74209962001251, 23.657088693352158]

# find extrapolated y value for value outside timestamps boundary
ypr_value = slerp(target_x=50)
print(ypr_value) #<< [355.97195450327666, -40.17949250447276, -4.0280454967233394]


class SlerpInterpolator

Class that implements a slerp interpolation for vectors. Data is internally represented in quaternions using lib eigen. Interfaces to represent the data in yaw, pitch, roll angles are provided. the __call__ equivalent to get interpolated yaw pitch roll is the ypr function

__init__(self:, X: List[float] = [], Yaw: List[float] = [], Pitch: List[float] = [], Roll: List[float] = [], input_in_degrees: bool = True, extrapolation_mode: = <t_extr_mode.extrapolate: 0>) None

Construct a new Slerp Interpolator object using vectors of x, yaw, pitch and roll

Parameter X:

vector; must be unique and sorted in ascending order

Parameter yaw:

vector with yaw data (rotation around z axis). Must be same size as X!

Parameter pitch:

vector with pitch data (rotation around y axis). Must be same size as X!

Parameter roll:

vector with roll data (rotation around x axis). Must be same size as X!

Parameter input_in_degrees:

if true (default) yaw,pitch and roll are in °, otherwise [rad]

Parameter extrapolation_mode:

t_extr_mode object that describes the extrapolation mode

__call__(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. __call__(self:, target_x: float, output_in_degrees: bool = True) -> List[float[3]]

get the interpolated yaw, pitch and roll values for given x target

Parameter target_x:

find the corresponding y value for this x value

Parameter output_in_degrees:

if true, yaw pitch and roll input values are in ° otherwise rad


corresponding y value

  1. __call__(self:, targets_x: List[float], output_in_degrees: bool = True) -> List[List[float[3]]]

get the interpolated yaw, pitch and roll values for given x target (vectorized call)

Parameter targets_x:

vector of x values. For each of these values find the corrsponding yaw, pitch and roll value

Parameter output_in_degrees:

if true, yaw pitch and roll input values are in ° otherwise rad


corresponding y value

set_data_XYPR(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set_data_XYPR(self:, X: List[float], Yaw: List[float], Pitch: List[float], Roll: List[float], input_in_degrees: bool = True) -> None

change the input data to these X, yaw, pitch, roll vectors (will be converted to quaternion)

Parameter X:

vector; must be unique and sorted in ascending order

Parameter yaw:

vector with yaw data (rotation around z axis). Must be same size as X!

Parameter pitch:

vector with pitch data (rotation around y axis). Must be same size as X!

Parameter roll:

vector with roll data (rotation around x axis). Must be same size as X!

Parameter input_in_degrees:

if true, yaw pitch and roll input values are in ° otherwise rad

  1. set_data_XYPR(self:, X: List[float], YPR: List[List[float[3]]], input_in_degrees: bool = True) -> None

change the input data to these X, yaw, pitch, roll vectors (will be converted to quaternion)

Parameter X:

vector; must be unique and sorted in ascending order

Parameter yaw:

vector with yaw data (rotation around z axis). Must be same size as X!

Parameter pitch:

vector with pitch data (rotation around y axis). Must be same size as X!

Parameter roll:

vector with roll data (rotation around x axis). Must be same size as X!

Parameter input_in_degrees:

if true, yaw pitch and roll input values are in ° otherwise rad

append(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. append(self:, x: float, yaw: float, pitch: float, roll: float, input_in_degrees: bool = True) -> None

append an x, yaw, pitch, roll data point

Parameter X:

must be larger than all internal data points

Parameter yaw:

rotation around z axis

Parameter pitch:

rotation around y axis

Parameter roll:

rotation around x axis

Parameter input_in_degrees:

if true, yaw pitch and roll input values are in ° otherwise rad

  1. append(self:, x: float, ypr: List[float[3]], input_in_degrees: bool = True) -> None

append an x, yaw, pitch, roll data point

Parameter X:

must be larger than all internal data points

Parameter ypr:

array with one yaw, pitch and roll data point

Parameter input_in_degrees:

if true, yaw pitch and roll input values are in ° otherwise rad

extend(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. extend(self:, X: List[float], Yaw: List[float], Pitch: List[float], Roll: List[float], input_in_degrees: bool = True) -> None

append data with lists of x, yaw, pitch, roll data (vectorized call)

Parameter X:

vector; must be unique and sorted in ascending order

Parameter yaw:

vector with yaw data (rotation around z axis). Must be same size as X!

Parameter pitch:

vector with pitch data (rotation around y axis). Must be same size as X!

Parameter roll:

vector with roll data (rotation around x axis). Must be same size as X!

Parameter input_in_degrees:

if true, yaw pitch and roll input values are in ° otherwise rad

  1. extend(self:, X: List[float], YPR: List[List[float[3]]], input_in_degrees: bool = True) -> None

append data with list of x, yaw, pitch, roll data (vectorized call)

Parameter X:

vector; must be unique and sorted in ascending order

Parameter ypr:

vector with yaw, pitch and roll data points. Must be same size as X!

Parameter input_in_degrees:

if true, yaw pitch and roll input values are in ° otherwise rad

set_extrapolation_mode(self: SlerpInterpolator, extrapolation_mode: t_extr_mode) None

Set the extrapolation mode

Parameter extrapolation_mode:

t_extr_mode object (enumerator) that describes the extrapolation mode

get_extrapolation_mode(self: SlerpInterpolator) t_extr_mode

Get the currently set extrapolation mode


py:class:t_extr_mode <> object (enumerator) that describes the extrapolation mode

get_data_X(self: SlerpInterpolator) List[float]

return the x component of the internal data vector



get_data_YPR(self: SlerpInterpolator, output_in_degrees: bool = True) List[List[float[3]]]

return the internal yrp data vector

Parameter output_in_degrees:

convert yaw, pitch and roll to degrees (default = True)


std::vector<std::array<3, double>> YPR

copy(self: SlerpInterpolator) SlerpInterpolator

return a copy using the c++ default copy constructor

to_binary(self: SlerpInterpolator, resize_buffer: bool = True) bytes

convert object to bytearray

static from_binary(buffer: bytes, check_buffer_is_read_completely: bool = True) SlerpInterpolator

create T_CLASS object from bytearray

info_string(self: SlerpInterpolator, float_precision: int = 2) str

Return object information as string

print(self: SlerpInterpolator, float_precision: int = 2) None

Print object information