
A simple coordinate system that allows for storing sensor and target offsets.

Supported sensors are:

  • compass: Affects SensorData.heading with yaw offset

  • position system: Affects SensorData gps variables with x,y and z offset

  • depth sensor: Affects SensorData.depth variables with x,y and z offset

  • attitude system: Affects SensorData imu variables with yaw, pitch and roll offset

The class allows for registering multiple targets (e.g. “MBES” and “SBES”) with respective PositionOffsets. Once targets are registered, the system can be used to compute the georeferenced of the targets using a SensorData object. (see usage below)

Note 1: The returned GeoLocation object type depends on the input SensorData object.

Example usage
# import this module
import themachinethatgoesping.navigation as nav

# initialize
scs = nav.SensorConfiguration()

# add sensor offsets
scs.set_depth_source("altimeter",0, 0, 1)
scs.set_position_source("gps",1, 2, 3)
scs.set_attitude_source("mru",10, -10, -30)

# add a target with target offsets
   target_id = "mbes",
   x = 1,
   y = 2,
   z = 3,
   yaw = 0,
   pitch = 0,
   roll = 0)

# create a object that contains sensor data
sensor_data = nav.datastructures.SensorDataLatLon(
   latitude = 53,
   longitude = 10,
   depth = 3,
   heave = -1,
   heading = 45,
   roll = 2,
   pitch = -3)

# compute target position from the specified sensor data
target_position = scs.compute_target_position("mbes", sensor_data)

#print georeferenced target position

# GeoLocationLatLon
# *****************
# - latitude:  53°0'0.0"N  [ddd°mm',ss.s''N/S]
# - longitude: 53°0'0.0"E  [ddd°mm',ss.s''E/W]
# - z:         6.51        [positive downwards, m]
# - yaw:       36.00       [90 ° at east]
# - pitch:     10.72       [° positive bow up]
# - roll:      30.90       [° positive port up]

Module API

class SensorConfiguration

A coordinate system that allows for specifying sensor offsets (e.g. gps antenna and attitude sensor) and target offsets (e.g. MBES). Call the class and specify target_id and current sensor data to derive the geolocation and attitude of the specified targets

__init__(self: SensorConfiguration, default_sensor_name: str = 'zero-referenced') None

Construct a new, empty Sensor Coordinate System object After construction: add sensor offsets and targets (offsets) Then compute target positions for sensor data

add_target(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. add_target(self: themachinethatgoesping.navigation.SensorConfiguration, target_id: str, x: float, y: float, z: float, yaw: float, pitch: float, roll: float) -> None

add a target (e.g. MBES) with offsets to the sensor position system

Parameter target_id:

name of the target for reference

Parameter x:

x-offset of the target (in meters, positive forward)

Parameter y:

y-offset of the target (in meters, positive starboard)

Parameter z:

z-offset of the target (in meters, positive down)

Parameter yaw:

yaw offset of the target (right-handed around the z-axis) (in degrees, 90° = east)

Parameter pitch:

pitch offset of the target (right-handed around the y-axis) (in degrees, positive = bow up)

Parameter roll:

roll offset of the target (right-handed around the x-axis) (in degrees, positive = port up)

  1. add_target(self: themachinethatgoesping.navigation.SensorConfiguration, target_id: str, target_offsets: themachinethatgoesping.navigation.datastructures.PositionalOffsets) -> None

add a target (e.g. MBES) with offsets to the sensor position system

Parameter target_id:

name of the target for reference

Parameter target_offsets:

mounting offsets of the target

add_targets(self: SensorConfiguration, targets: Dict[str, PositionalOffsets]) None

add targets (e.g. MBES) with given target_ids and offsets to the sensor position system

Parameter targets:

map<target_id, target_offsets> of target offsets

can_merge_targets_with(self: SensorConfiguration, other: SensorConfiguration) bool

Check if the given SensorConfiguration includes a target (offsets) that is incompatible with the given SensorConfiguration targets


false if the same target_id is registered with different offsets, true otherwise

compute_target_position(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. compute_target_position(self: themachinethatgoesping.navigation.SensorConfiguration, target_id: str, sensor_data: themachinethatgoesping.navigation.datastructures.SensorDataLatLon) -> themachinethatgoesping.navigation.datastructures.GeoLocationLatLon

Compute the position of the target “target_id” based on the sensor data “sensor_data”

Parameter target_id:

name of the target (e.g. “MBES”)

Parameter sensor_data:

SensorDataLatLon / this structure includes latitude and longitude information


datastructures::GeoLocationLatLon / this structure includes latitude and longitude information

  1. compute_target_position(self: themachinethatgoesping.navigation.SensorConfiguration, target_id: str, sensor_data: themachinethatgoesping.navigation.datastructures.SensorDataUTM) -> themachinethatgoesping.navigation.datastructures.GeoLocationUTM

Compute the position of the target “target_id” based on the sensor data “sensor_data”

Parameter target_id:

name of the target (e.g. “MBES”)

Parameter sensor_data:

SensorDataUTM / this structure includes northing/easting and utm zone or hemisphere information


datastructures::GeoLocationUTM / this structure includes northing/easting and utm zone or hemisphere information

  1. compute_target_position(self: themachinethatgoesping.navigation.SensorConfiguration, target_id: str, sensor_data: themachinethatgoesping.navigation.datastructures.SensorDataLocal) -> themachinethatgoesping.navigation.datastructures.GeoLocationLocal

Compute the position of the target “target_id” based on the sensor data “sensor_data”

Parameter target_id:

name of the target (e.g. “MBES”)

Parameter sensor_data:

SensorDataLocal / this structure includes northing/easting but no zone or hemisphere information


datastructures::GeoLocationLocal / this structure includes northing/easting but no zone or hemisphere information

  1. compute_target_position(self: themachinethatgoesping.navigation.SensorConfiguration, target_id: str, sensor_data: themachinethatgoesping.navigation.datastructures.SensorData) -> themachinethatgoesping.navigation.datastructures.GeoLocationLocal

Compute the position of the target “target_id” based on the sensor data “sensor_data”

Parameter target_id:

name of the target (e.g. “MBES”)

Parameter sensor_data:

SensorData / this structure includes no coordinate information


datastructures::GeoLocationLocal / this structure includes northing and east, which are set relative to the sensor coordinate system center

copy(self: SensorConfiguration) SensorConfiguration

return a copy using the c++ default copy constructor

static from_binary(buffer: bytes, check_buffer_is_read_completely: bool = True) SensorConfiguration

create T_CLASS object from bytearray

get_attitude_source(self: SensorConfiguration) PositionalOffsets

Get the attitude sensor offsets


const datastructures::PositionalOffsets& offsets of the attitude sensor

get_depth_source(self: SensorConfiguration) PositionalOffsets

Get the registered depth sensor offsets


const datastructures::PositionalOffsets& offsets of the depth sensor

get_heading_source(self: SensorConfiguration) PositionalOffsets

Get the registered compass offsets


const datastructures::PositionalOffsets& offsets of the compass

get_position_source(self: SensorConfiguration) PositionalOffsets

Get the registered position system offsets


const datastructures::PositionalOffsets& offsets of the position system

get_target(self: SensorConfiguration, target_id: str) PositionalOffsets

Get stored target offsets of a specified target

Parameter target_id:

name of the registered target


const datastructures::PositionalOffsets& offsets of the target

get_target_ids(self: SensorConfiguration) List[str]

Get the ids of the registered targets



get_targets(self: SensorConfiguration) Dict[str, PositionalOffsets]

Get the map of stored target offsets objects


const std::unordered_map<std::string, datastructures::PositionalOffsets>&

info_string(self: SensorConfiguration, float_precision: int = 2) str

Return object information as string

print(self: SensorConfiguration, float_precision: int = 2) None

Print object information

remove_target(self: SensorConfiguration, target_id: str) None

Remove the target with the specified target_id

Parameter target_id:

name of the registered target

remove_targets(self: SensorConfiguration) None

Remove all stored targets

set_attitude_source(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set_attitude_source(self: themachinethatgoesping.navigation.SensorConfiguration, name: str, yaw: float, pitch: float, roll: float) -> None

Set the attitude sensor offsets

Parameter sensor_offsets:

offsets structure (only yaw, pitch and roll are used)

  1. set_attitude_source(self: themachinethatgoesping.navigation.SensorConfiguration, sensor_offsets: themachinethatgoesping.navigation.datastructures.PositionalOffsets) -> None

Set the attitude sensor offsets

Parameter yaw:

yaw offset of the attitude sensor (right-handed around the z-axis) (in degrees, 90° = east)

Parameter pitch:

pitch offset of the attitude sensor (right-handed around the y-axis) (in degrees, positive = bow up)

Parameter roll:

roll offset of the attitude sensor (right-handed around the x-axis) (in degrees, positive = port up)

set_depth_source(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set_depth_source(self: themachinethatgoesping.navigation.SensorConfiguration, name: str, x: float, y: float, z: float) -> None

Set the depth sensor offsets

Parameter x:

x-offset of the depth sensor (in meters, positive forward)

Parameter y:

y-offset of the depth sensor (in meters, positive starboard)

Parameter z:

z-offset of the depth sensor (in meters, positive down)

  1. set_depth_source(self: themachinethatgoesping.navigation.SensorConfiguration, sensor_offsets: themachinethatgoesping.navigation.datastructures.PositionalOffsets) -> None

Set the depth sensor offsets

Parameter sensor_offsets:

offsets structure (only x, y and z are used)

set_heading_source(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set_heading_source(self: themachinethatgoesping.navigation.SensorConfiguration, name: str, yaw: float) -> None

Set the compass offsets

Parameter yaw:

yaw offset of the compass (right-handed around the z-axis) (in degrees, 90° = east)

  1. set_heading_source(self: themachinethatgoesping.navigation.SensorConfiguration, sensor_offsets: themachinethatgoesping.navigation.datastructures.PositionalOffsets) -> None

Set the compass offsets

Parameter sensor_offsets:

offsets structure (only yaw is used)

set_position_source(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set_position_source(self: themachinethatgoesping.navigation.SensorConfiguration, name: str, x: float, y: float, z: float) -> None

Set the position system offsets

Parameter x:

x-offset of the depth sensor (in meters, positive forward)

Parameter y:

y-offset of the depth sensor (in meters, positive starboard)

Parameter z:

z-offset of the depth sensor (in meters, positive down)

  1. set_position_source(self: themachinethatgoesping.navigation.SensorConfiguration, sensor_offsets: themachinethatgoesping.navigation.datastructures.PositionalOffsets) -> None

Set the position system offsets

Parameter sensor_offsets:

offsets structure (only x, y and z are used)

to_binary(self: SensorConfiguration, resize_buffer: bool = True) bytes

convert object to bytearray

without_targets(self: SensorConfiguration) SensorConfiguration

Return the SensorConfiguration object without registered targets

